Adopting a child anywhere is a gift to both child and parents, but child adoption in South Africa is especially beautiful when there are so many orphaned children badly in need of love and support.
South Africa is a developing nation with much growth still to do. There is massive unemployment and poverty and our informal settlements are teeming with poor, uneducated and ill people who cannot afford to feed themselves, let alone any children that should come along. Because of the high level of HIV/AIDs in the country, thousands of children are orphaned when their parents die from AIDs related diseases like Tuberculosis.
According to social development minister Zola Skweyiya, there are approximately one and a half million orphaned children in South Africa. This number increases every day as children are abandoned, given up or left behind when their parents die. With overcrowding at orphanages and the social development budget stretched widely to accommodate all those in need, there is a desperate call for families who can provide homes for South Africa’s children to come forward.
The Process to Adopting Children
The adoption process is a long one, and with good reason. Prospective parents are carefully screened in order to ensure that they will provide a safe and adequate home for the child.
- The interview
The first step involves meeting with an adoption agency and talking about what you are looking for. This is where you will receive all the information and details about what is involved and you should take time after the interview to decide if you want to go ahead with adoption.
- The psychological and social assessment
If you have decided to go ahead with the adoption process, you and your partner if there are two of you, will have to undergo and assessment of your character, your life, your family, your social situation and more. This will be where the assessor will decide whether you are capable of caring for a child.
- Finances
Your financial situation and history, as well as how you have planned for the future will also be taken into the account as the assessor will want to know that you can afford to look after all of a child’s needs, including education.
- Family
Whether you are single or in a relationship and what the nature of that relationship is will also come into play in the assessment. Your relationship with the rest of your family and friends is another factor that the assessor will investigate.
- Documents
You will have to provide the agency with several official documents as proof of your financial, social and psychological situation. Your agency will let you know which documents to bring.
- Your home
Your home will also be privy to assessment and assessors will check that it is suitable and safe to raise a child in it.
Once you have been accepted as potential parents, you will be put on a waiting list until a child that meets your requirements comes along.
Which child?
There are many different factors to consider when you give your requirements to the adoption agency.
- Age
Would you want a new born or would you open your home and heart to an older child? There are thousands of children in every age group looking for homes but most families prefer receiving the child when he or she is as young as possible.
- Race
The majority of orphans in South Africa are black but there are a few of other races. If you would like a white or indian child you will probably have to wait longer for the right child to be available.
- Gender
Most orphanages will not consider your preference on gender.
However long the wait and however difficult, receiving your child and giving him or her a better life is the most beautiful gift you can give. Your family will be fulfilled and you won’t be sorry that you looked into adoption in South Africa.